Promotion Criteria
In order to be eligible to promote from Flamson Middle School you must meet specific requirements in grades and assessments. In order to participate in end-of-the-year activities, you must meet expectations in three areas: grades, behavior, and attendance.
Grades: To promote and take part in end-of-the-year activities, you must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 1.67 or higher and no more than 2 F's in any one subject area.
Attendance: To participate in end of the year activities, you may not miss more than 10% of the enrolled school days, including excused and unexcused absences. You may not have more than 20 unexcused tardies per school year.
Behavior: You must have satisfactory behavior and must not have any ongoing discipline issues. Any student who is suspended during the last quarter of school will not be allowed to participate in any end-of-the-year activities including promotion. For students who are on site or district discipline contracts, participation in these activities is subject to the approval of administration.