About Us » Dropoff / Pickup Info

Dropoff / Pickup Info


Students may not be dropped off before 7:45 a.m., as there is no supervision on campus prior to that time.


Students cannot leave the school grounds at any time during the school day unless their parent or guardian has signed them out.

This includes:

  • before school begins
  • during nutrition and lunch
  • after school while waiting for a bus


When students have been signed out, they must be signed back in if they return to school that day. If you know you will be leaving early for an appointment or other family matter, please notify the Attendance Office ahead of time.


Lewis-Flamson Junior High School is a closed campus. All visitors, including parents, must check in with the office immediately upon arrival at our school, wear a visitor badge while a guest on our campus, and check out with the office when they leave. Visitors must have a valid ID to scan into our system. Parents and other guests on campus should never go directly to a classroom or contact students or staff without following this procedure.